Metta / Loving Kindness meditation

The is the Metta / Loving Kindness meditation I've adapted from the version in Stephen Levine's 'A Gradual Awakening'.

1. Breathe in warmth, Breathe out patience

2 . Reflect on a person who somehow caused you pain, say ‘I forgive you’

Reflect on a person who somehow you have given pain, say silently ‘…I ask your forgiveness’

3. Now allow yourself to be forgiven.  Say ‘I forgive you’. 
‘I forgive myself for all the pain I’ve caused, for even the things I didn’t mean to do.’ ‘

May I be happy.  May I be free from suffering.  May I be free from tension, fear, worry.  May I be healed, may I be at peace’.

‘May I be done with suffering, done with tension, anger and separation.  Done with fear and hiding and doubt. 

May I let go of all the things that cause me suffering’. 

‘May I be free from suffering.  May I find my joy.  May I be filled with love. 

4 Now, direct that love toward someone else.
‘Dear… may you be happy.  May you be free from suffering.  May you be free from tension, fear, worry.  May you be healed, may you be at peace’.

‘May you be done with suffering, done with tension, anger and separation.  Done with fear and hiding and doubt.  May you be happy’.  

‘May you be happy.  May you let go of all the things that cause you suffering’. 

5. Let your loving kindness radiate out to everyone. 
‘May all beings be happy.  May all beings be free from suffering.  May all beings come home to our completeness.  May all beings be free’.